The Big I AM

Chapter 3 – “The Impact Book” by Simon Tyler

Just below the surface of our consciousness we all have a view on who we are, our capabilities, our impact. Depending on what has happened in our world and the proofs we have gathered this view can be empowering or depleting. Listen to yourself (and others) as they unwittingly complete many “I am…” sentences. Each time we say them (and hear them) we embed the statement as a hardening belief. Through deliberately stepping into this process and making it conscious you can retake control and ultimately change your everyday experience.

Chapter three of The Impact Book contains an exercise I often invite groups or individuals to work on in coaching or development sessions. It merges two ideas – that of defining who you are and communicating that (as a leader) and then developing your own perspective and confidence and personal power through clear affirmation.

There are few phrases as powerful, as evocative, as “I am…”

People need to understand, clearly, who you are and how you operate in order to follow you, to advocate your work and to support your leadership vision. As leader, your role is to provide a clear and consistent message to follow.

When I first meet a coaching client I often invite them to complete a few “I am…” exercises, as it tells me a lot about their attitude, self-belief, expectations and aspirations.

“I am…” is a verbal tool through which to enhance any aspect of our circumstances, feelings and experiences. Every time you use the term and follow it with something that is negative, you disrespect yourself and diminish your personal power.

Who you are is something so much more powerful than most of the “I am…” statements you may be using day-to-day.

“I am…” reflects, or sets the tone for, the activity of your life.

When you say and feel “I am…” you realise unstoppable springs from within.

I implore you to stand guard over your use of this phrase:

“I am not…” throttles the greater potential that lies within you.

There are proverbs in almost every language and culture that broadly state “everything changes for the weak person that says “I am strong”.

I prefer to think of Rene Descartes’ famous quote as “I am; therefore I think” (rather than the actual quote “I think; therefore I am”). What you are “I am-ing” underpins all subsequent thoughts and it works with lightening speed!

The moment you entertain any type of doubt, doubt is given explicit permission to enter, and more doubt rushes in. It is the same with “I am…” Wherever you place your attention invites more of the same to rush in.

Review and refresh your “I am…” statements, for example:

“I am… free.”

“I am … resourceful.”

“I am… happy.”

“I am… fulfilled.”

“I am… prosperous.”

Observe your “I am…” sentences: notice how you feel a few minutes after articulating a positive one, and then after a negative statement. Stop using this tool poorly by confirming an unwanted state with an “I am…” State the positive and allow positivity to rush in.

Your obedient servant, your brain, goes about proving your “I am…” is true, or finding proofs that it is becoming so.