The Attitude Advisor


The Attitude Advisor

Since the launch of “The Attitude Book” I have given many talks and facilitated many events and workshops, seeking to inspire positive change through boosting individual, team and company attitudes. The eager (and
impatient) participants sometimes implore me to give them fast track short cuts. Perhaps we all seek that quick win, the ‘secret’!


The Big I Am!

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The Big I Am!

There are few phrases as powerful, as evocative, as “I am…” People need to understand, clearly, who you are and how you operate in order to follow you, to advocate your work and to support your leadership vision. As leader, your role is to provide a clear and consistent message to follow.

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Sharpen The Axe


Sharpen The Axe

This is one of my favourite chapters from The Attitude Book, the sharpening of your axe has come to encompass many things with the essence remaining the same - how you prepare for anything is how you end up doing anything. Every time I use this chapter with individuals or groups, it is just what is needed!


The Value of You


The Value of You

This chapter gets revisited often in coaching dialogues, particularly when clients are at a crossroads or struggling with recognising and fully appreciating their impact. As always, the reflective practice of writing helps to focus the mind, remind and reinforce your value.





The act of, the state of and the ensuing attitude of gratitude is an important part of all personal evolution journeys. Observing the impact, changes and new results of different groups continues to emphasise the impact that simple acts of authentic gratitude have and the need to keep exploring in myself my own attitude and gratitude|


Will It Make The Boat Go Faster?


Will It Make The Boat Go Faster?

In my experience, teams often get into patterns of behaviour that may or may not be helpful, unnoticed and easy to ignore without anyone confronting and challenging ways of working.

Using this metaphor is a valuable way of reviewing and realigning many aspects of how a team functions, liberating the opportunities for more to be achieved!





Urgentia is one of my favourite chapters to talk about and bring to life for clients at conferences and team events. It focuses on the sense of urgency and busy-ness that sometimes overwhelms us and how we can manage this to maximise our potential.


Outrageous Acts of Kindness


Outrageous Acts of Kindness

This is chapter 7 from The Attitude Book and I’ve chosen this one to share with you as it’s a great up-lifter at any time, but particularly when we are in a time of great anxiety, difficulties or negativity, times when I observe people entrenching and retracting – in essence, doing less for others. This is when we can feel that everything has become a little heavy going on our own.

Irrespective of how you are wired, this action has a hit which benefits you and others.


Edgeways - Getting into the Conversation


Edgeways - Getting into the Conversation

Do you ever find team meetings or situations spiralling out of control as others hog the discussion?

It is often best to allow the rants and conversation spume to bubble up, flow-out and pass before sagely delivering your message, but in such extreme situations, where standards are low, you may need some additional techniques to steer and guide the room.

Here are tips on ways to get into a busy conversation that seems to offer no gaps!


Your "Impact A-Game"

Your "Impact A-Game"

In “The Impact Book”, author Simon Tyler describes the leadership impact journey as passing through four escalating outcomes – your Attraction; creating Appetite; nurturing Advocacy; and inspiring Action. This is your Impact A-game.

This article explores the first of those, Attraction: Finding and developing your leadership magnetism.

Empathic Self Assessment

Empathic Self Assessment

Empathy is a highly important aspect of effective leadership and support for anyone - the cornerstone of influence. The more in- tune you are with someone the more aligned to leading them you will be. 

The Impact Worksheet

The Impact Worksheet

This impact worksheet helps you to become more focused on your impact. This worksheet should be used in conjunction with my book "The Impact Code".

Value Added Leadership

Value Added Leadership