As one of my old coaches, Drew Rozell, eloquently stated “You’re here, now, nowhere else. Act like it!” This played out again for me last week as I delivered several speeches. The same may be true for you, rushing from one meeting to the next, and from one gnarly email to the next conversation. Here are a few angles to help inspire your awareness and return to right here, right now.
In the last week I have been reminded that nothing is impossible and that with a little bit of leadership magic, seemingly miraculous results can occur. It’s led me to reflect on the lessons we can learn from one arena and take into another, so, like many around me, I’ve been asking, how do miracles happen?!
Are you in a culture of compliance or is your inner rebel rising?
When you find yourself on a path of de-motivation it is likely that you have scoured your thoughts in an attempt to re-establish the point of you, your purpose. You may have rebelled or just complied.
You have a choice, there is another way.
Attitude has been central on my radar now for some time. Here you can find out more on how to reset your attitude, get the balance between determination and calmness and give it the boost it needs.
Are you making the most of every chance encounter? Do you make sure your attitude mode is ready and willing to engage and tilted to give and gain your best? Find out how to make sure your attitude gives you the best impact it can.
Your ability to influence others is a crucial skill, without it your leadership is impotent. So how do you enhance it? What influence impact did you have on others yesterday? What influence impact will you have today and in the weeks and months ahead and how can you increase it?
In leadership and in almost all business communication, the greater your gravitas, the more impact you will have. At some point in the dialogues of almost all of my leadership coaching engagements we (my client and I) explore this important aspect. This Simple Note explores how you can begin to increase your gravitas.
Much is written, discussed and broadcast about the importance of understanding your ‘why’ - that uplifting sense of purpose, that deep-meaning behind everything you do. But has the power of the question why lost it’s way?