I’m in a curious new phase in my journey. Demands are high for me to produce and write, coupled with my own high expectations, it seems that every moment is loaded with a need for me to be doing something productive.

The tighter I allow this tension to grip, the less productive I become!

This type of overwhelm eventually shifts moods and triggers less than helpful new thoughts. A gentle mindful intervention is required.

I have written about alleviating these tensions and pressures often in The Impact Code and The Keep It Simple Book, but here are the three I turn to now, that scale up depending on my state.

1.      Simply Remind Myself – at my core I truly believe ‘everything is ok’. Returning to this simple mantra reminds me of times equally or more challenging that I have worked through. Sometimes this is enough of a reset. What is your core reminder? Does it need an upgrade?

2.      Simple Mindful Awareness – any step I take towards more mindfulness has a calming and positive effect. All there is to do is notice. How do I feel? What am I thinking? I don’t need to change these, just notice them, judgement-free, curious-full. What are your thoughts, feelings and sensations now?

3.      Simply Meditate – It takes effort to get myself to stop and sit quietly so when my meditation muscle is weak I turn to a library of go-to tracks. I have explored widely and experimented often with guided and non-guided, short and long, with and without music or nature sounds or binaural beats. Are you ready to sit quietly? What’s on your playlist or what could be to help you?

Enjoy releasing your creative productivity!


PS - I will be appearing online at LID Publishing's Business Book Club  from 24th November talking about my "Keep It Simple Book". Click here to sign up to discussions. #booklovers